Monday, April 2, 2018

My memory mess

Hello again,

   So basically my life is a mess. I get home and I'm ready to start editing. I get my computer I'm ready to do everything to finally have this come alive, only to find out my computer has no  storage to even put clips inside my computer. When I say I tried everything, I mean everything. I deleted all my pictures, music, apps anything that you could possibly think of, and still 88.0 GB of my computer was 'Other.' I am literally so upset I've talked to all my friends and they just tell me 'oh you just need to delete other!' and I say 'wow who would've guessed! BUT I CAN'T because I don't even know what 'other' is. I haven't been this aggravated before in my entire life. I feel like I've done every possible thing I could do to add more storage on my computer and it's still not enough. NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT I DELETED SOME NICE PICTURES AND MEMORIES. Whatever, honestly I'm over it I'll do my best to try and figure it out and get an app that cleans all these huge files that are RUINING MY LIFE. 

   In other news,  I started my website and I like the way it's  organized, even though Wix makes everything easier, I get aggravated with the whole pages thing because I haven't figured out how to organize it so that  but I'm starting to get the hang of it. As of right now this is the basic thing I did (picture isn't mine): 

     On my home page I will have a still that I took while filming the reading scene and on the other pages I will probably alternate with stills from flashback scenes and reading scenes. I'm still in the process of writing what will be on each page but yeah. 
   Until next time,

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